The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Health in Times of Crisis: From Historical Atrocities to Modern Conflicts 

Note: This blog is intended to provide a sociology perspective of issues that arise during humanitarian crises due to race/ethnicity-based conflict. 

Trigger Warning: This blog discusses sensitive and potentially distressing topics, including unethical, non-consensual, and inhumane health treatment. Reader discretion is advised. 


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About Author

Ayesha Rahim
Ayesha Rahim is currently a student at the University of Chicago where she is pursuing her Master of Applied Social Sciences in Quantitative Methods and Social Analysis. Her research interests lie within investigating equitable access to institutions and their services, along with socioeconomic and racial disparities impacting quality of life. Through her writing, she hopes to bridge the gap between evidence-based research and informed decision-making for the public.

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